"Heaven", a musical dance journey, was originally commissioned by Kevin McCollum and conceived by Joe Chvala, Craig Wright, and Chan Poling. It had it's premiere at the Guthrie Theater in 2011 directed by Joe Chvala, winning the Sage Award for best original music and lyrics.
"Heaven" tells the story of an American photographer pulled against his better judgement into helping a Muslim husband reunite with his wife, taking them on a terrifying and poignant ride through war-torn Bosnia.
Heaven will be produced next at Park Square Theater in St. Paul, MN from May 31 through June 23, 2019.
"This is theater that grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you in your seat." - How Was The Show?
"The haunting music and lyrics by Chan Poling ... draw on Balkan influences, as well as opera, pop and rap, to evoke the bleak poetry of wartime. There are painfully beautiful moments within the songs..." - MPLS Star Tribune
"Heaven" tells the story of an American photographer pulled against his better judgement into helping a Muslim husband reunite with his wife, taking them on a terrifying and poignant ride through war-torn Bosnia.
Heaven will be produced next at Park Square Theater in St. Paul, MN from May 31 through June 23, 2019.
"This is theater that grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you in your seat." - How Was The Show?
"The haunting music and lyrics by Chan Poling ... draw on Balkan influences, as well as opera, pop and rap, to evoke the bleak poetry of wartime. There are painfully beautiful moments within the songs..." - MPLS Star Tribune